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Employee Spotlight

Meet Kayla

Kayla started out as an intern at Taoglas while finishing school but transitioned to a full-time events marketing specialist. Kayla now supports all events and shows that Taoglas attends around the world and supports managing Taoglas’ social media channels and social media activities.

Image of Kayla, a Taoglas Employee

Before joining Taoglas what other roles did you hold?

Before Taoglas, I was in the Navy as a nuclear mechanic on an aircraft carrier in Norfolk, Virginia. After that, I worked at a small San Diego home decor boutique running their social media and register.

Why did you choose to work at Taoglas

I have always wanted to combine my technical skills that I gained from the Navy with my love for marketing so working at a tech company like Taoglas seemed like a great fit. I also loved that it was a relatively small team so that I could be hands on in a lot of the aspects of marketing rather than fitting into just one niche area.

Why do you enjoy working at Taoglas?

I think Taoglas is a very forward-thinking company that is always looking for ways to improve quality and efficiency. One of the best things about Taoglas, especially coming from the Navy, is that even when the workload gets a bit heavier from time to time, it’s obvious that everyone is generally happy to work here. I think it speaks volumes about a company when their employees want to work hard and stand behind the product and culture.

How are we different from other companies?

Taoglas is different because we have great leadership. From the top down, I have only had positive experiences with my leaders. They put a great amount of care into helping me grow professionally, but I also feel confident that they care about me as a person and more than just an employee.

How has Taoglas supported you in your career?

My leadership has been amazing at giving me experience and opportunities in any aspect of marketing that I am interested in. They empower me to figure things out and take ownership myself but are also always available for support when I need it.

What advice do you have for people just starting out in their career in your field?

Don’t sell yourself short! Just because you don’t have the same experience as someone else doesn’t mean you don’t have experience. Trust in what you know and build your knowledge and skillset from there. Confidence in your ability to learn what you don’t know and the eagerness to learn it is half the battle.

What motivates you at work?

I have a work hard, play hard mentality. If I know I have put 100% into work when it’s time to do that, it’s easier give 100% to my personal life when I’m home.

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